Canavial Viewpoint
The Morro Grande de Velas [Great Hill of Velas] and the Morro de Lemos [Hill of Lemos] are both Surtseyan-type tuff cones originated by submarine basaltic eruptions, but with different ages and stages of evolution. As the older one, Morro de Lemos is very eroded by coastal erosion and only a small part of the initial volcanic building remains. On the other hand, Morro Grande de Velas shows a clear circular shape of the associated cone and crater, in which a small strombolian cone is nestled, which depicts a later subarea eruptive stage. In the Baía de Entre-Morros [Entre-Morros Bay] and in the high and steep cliffs of these cones, it is possible to observe its internal structure, including a clear stratification and several load figures. The village of Velas is located in a lava fajã with a rocky and rugged front, formed by the basaltic lava flows issued from the Pico dos Loiros’ slag cone. These lavas are covered by the more recent pyro clasts of Morro de Velas. This is a prime geosite of the Azores Geopark, with national relevance and scientific, educational and geo-touristic interest. This location is also one of the best-known geographical landscapes of São Jorge.