Império Bairro N.Sra da Conceição

The impérios [Small Temples] are buildings aimed for the exhibition of elements of the Holy Spirit’s cult, namely the crown, the banner and the staffs. Its façade presents a clear influence of the Terceira island’s small temples, however keeping the colours used in São Jorge (grey) and its pediment ending in a cross.

At the Trinity’s weekend, the festivity of the império Bairro N. Sra da Conceição is carried out, with the performance of a philharmonic band, bazaar and sale of local products. The crown of the Holy Spirit is exhibited, in a replica of the small temple in wood, in a prominent place; alms are also distributed on Saturday and the traditional bolos de véspera are distributed on Sunday (round and flat cakes, with a quite hard consistency with marks made with bread stamp, which used to identify the richest houses).

On the previous Friday, the mordomia of the children (dependent of supports for this purpose) is carried out with the distribution of Portuguese sweet bread, cheese and juice. Traditional games are also carried out.


Rua do Corpo Santo Velas
São Jorge