Império da Quinta-feira

The impérios [Small Temples] are buildings aimed for the exhibition of elements of the Holy Spirit’s cult, namely the crown, the banner and the staffs.

It is a modern construction; therefore its façade differs from the others, being finished with a Holy Spirit’s dove.

On the Thursday of the Corpus Christi, therefore the name of the império da Quinta-feira , at lunch, the holy spirits soups are distributed through the entire population. At the weekend, there is a festivity with the performance of a philharmonic band, bazaar and sale of local products. On the Saturday, contrary to what happens on the other small temples, there is no distribution of alms as the status of the small temples are different. Among the members, the mordomos for the next year are randomly drawn. On Sunday, the traditional bolos de véspera are distributed.


Rua Rui de Mendonça Velas
São Jorge