
The União de Cooperativas Agrícolas de Lacticínios de São Jorge, UCRL - UNIQUEIJO [Agricultural Dairy Cooperative Union of São Jorge] was incorporated in 1986, including six cooperatives (Norte Pequeno; Norte Grande - currently the milk station; Santo António; Beira; Santo Amaro; Manadas) for the production of traditional cheeses - the cheese cure process was still carried out in a refrigerated chamber, provided by the Cooperative of Beira.

Later, it was associated with the Agricultural Diary Cooperative of Rosais in 1991, with Finisterra - Dairy Cooperative of Topo in 2000 and, lastly, it established a commercial agreement with the Cooperative of Lourais.

Also in 1986, a crucial step in the production of our cheeses were taken, with the creation of the Demarcated Region of the São Jorge’s Cheese and the regulation for the registry of the Protected Designation of Origin (DOP) granted to the São Jorge’s Cheese brand. And, in November 1991, the status of Certifying Entity was assigned and granted to the Confraria of São Jorge’s Cheese.

Currently, Uniqueijo comprises eight cooperatives and is exclusively aimed for the storage, cure and packaging of the traditional and highly appreciated São Jorge’s Cheese, having recently launched two new articles: The Grated DOP São Jorge’s Cheese and the DOP São Jorge’s Cheese cured for seven months.


São Jorge