Cooperativa de artesanato N. Sra. da Encarnação

Founded on March 12, 1991 by 16 partners, it emerged after the completion of an embroidery course, sponsored by lifelong learning, to promote the development of local handicrafts, as well as provide some income to the 10 employees who initially worked in the cooperative when it was made open to the public. In the cooperative you will find a whole variety of products from the weaving of passages; embroidery by hand and machine; confectionery of coats, caps, socks and jackets, among others, sheep wool. In the rents stand out the "Chilean lace" and "needle lace". Of note is the handicraft work in the coloring of wool, which is done by hand using onion skin, walnut leaf, nutshells, and Sorrel, among other plants. Currently, in order to diversify and adapt to the current fashion in the textile world, the cooperative creates pieces by re-using fabric and calling it "crazy pieces", as well as creating and executing current garments with handcrafted products follow a modern style, and are products of excellence in the quality of the design and the used raw materials.


Ribeira do Nabo Urzelina Velas
São Jorge