
The wall of the town of Calheta was built around its quay and extended about 1000 m to Portinho Velho. Its construction, in the seventeenth century, coincides with the plan of fortification of the island, advised by Marcos Fernandes de Teive in 1618. The attacks and looting of privateers and pirates were frequent to the town of Calheta, so for its protection the wall integrated other forts. Later construction: Santo Espírito, São João Baptista and Santo António; many of them missing today.

The "Mandate of God" of 1757 was a powerful earthquake with a high degree of destruction, to which the fortification line of Calheta did not withstand and many of its forts were destroyed. Today we can observe the implantation of some sections of the old town wall, remodeled with new masonry.


São Jorge