Igreja Matriz (Main Church) of São Jorge
This church has been erected on the prior location of the primitive church of São Jorge, mentioned in the testament of Prince Henry of Portugal from 1460.
The license for its construction was granted by Afonso VI of Portugal (1643-1683) through a charter of 23 April 1659. However, the construction only started in 1664, having the mason Francisco Rodrigues as its architect. The construction took a normal course and the church was then blessed, on February 1675, by the Bishop of Angra do Heroísmo, D. Lourenço de Castro.
The current façade is not the same from the past one. Its interior comprises three aisles. The lateral altar with a coffer dome is also emphasized, with the Blessed Sacrament’s figure in its centre, built in basaltic stonework, and with two stone pulpits with stairs. In the high choir, there is a pipe organ built in 1865 by Tomé Gregório de Lacerda, uncle of the famous compositor Francisco de Lacerda.
In the 16th century, the main chapel is added, which displays a late baroque and rococo altarpiece, in gilded wood, offered by King Sebastian of Portugal. In its interior, the rococo Holy Tabernacle in gilded wood, from the 17th century, and the stained glassed - more recent - allusive to several aspects of the São Jorge island are highlighted. The festivity in honour of the patron saint, São Jorge , is carried out on 23 April, a municipal holiday with a procession throughout the village’s streets. Due to its magnificence, the figure of São Jorge is also highlighted.