Império do Divino Espírito Santo

The impérios [Small Temples] are buildings aimed for the exhibition of elements of the Holy Spirit’s cult, namely the crown, the banner and the staffs.

The temple that appraises the Holy Spirit of God in Biscoitos, a place that belongs to Calheta, was constructed in 1886. At the Sundays of Espírito Santo and Trinidade in Biscoitos the coronation distinguishes from the other places due to the knights and the Imperador, who carry the flag and two sticks decorated with flours and the plate of the crown, respectively. The “cavaleiros” (knights) or the “passeadores” (walkers)  distribute the sweets or the ”fatia” (slices) and the Imperador stays in the temple receiving the people that step by during the afternoon at the celebration site and are invited to enter and eat sweets, meat, sweet bread and rice pudding. Part of the celebrations is also the Festa dos Tremoços (Lupins Festival) on Saturday at Trinidade, organised by a Mordomia, nominated each year. This celebration consists of a procession formed by a decorated ox-wagon that transports the lupines, that have already been cooked, followed by musicians, singers and the remaining inhabitants.


Canada da Ermida Biscoitos Calheta
São Jorge